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Silikónová náhrada zubov Instant Smile 
Rýchle a cenovo dostupné riešenie pre sebavedomý úsmev

Sebavedomie často začína pri úsmeve

Zuby môžu byť prekážkou vo vašom osobnom aj profesionálnom živote. Riešenia, ako sú trvalé zubné náhrady alebo implantáty, sú nielen finančne náročné, ale aj časovo zdľhavé a nepríjemné

Instant Smile

Silikónová náhrada zubov, ktorá vám pomôže vrátiť sebavedomie behom pár minút

Najlepšie dočasné riešenie, ktoré vyzerá prirodzene a pomáha obnoviť krásu vašho úsmevu.


Napodobňuje vzhľad a farbu prirodzených zubov. Pri správnom nasadení si vaše okolie ani nevšimne, že ide o náhradu.

C. Sekcia „Ako to funguje“


Vyberte vhodný odtien a vystrihnitie zvoleny tvar zuba


Zohrejte vodu a pridajte cca 10ks 


Nasadte a užívajte si úsmev.


Nasadte a užívajte si úsmev.

Mumento core values

Our guiding principles for exceptional healthcare solutions


Trust is the foundation of our relationships. By consistently delivering genuine products, accurate information, and exceptional service, we aim to build lasting trust with our customers.


Our team goes above and beyond to provide personalized support and compassionate care. We believe in making a positive impact on the lives of our customers, ensuring their health and happiness.


We conduct ourselves with honesty, ethics, and professionalism. We take responsibility for our actions and uphold the highest standards in delivering reliable healthcare solutions.


We embrace innovation as a driving force in our quest to enhance healthcare solutions. By staying at the forefront of advancements in technology, ideas, and processes, we continuously improve our offerings.

Meet our team

John Doe

Co-founder and CEO


Jane Smith

Co-founder and COO

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Mark Johnson

Head Pharmacist

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Sarah Williams

Customer Support Manager

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Michael Brown

Operations Manager

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Emily Davis

Co-founder and CEO

Awards d recognition

Innovative Healthcare Service


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Award For High-Value Healthcare

2017 - 2018

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Patient's Choice Award

2019 - 2021

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Retail Excellence Awards: OTC And Preventive Health


Get in touch with us

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form


4302 Hardesty Street, Albany, New York, 12206





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